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2023-09-09 10:18 作者:岳灵峰总厂

Precautions for daily maintenance of electric dining table turntable
电动餐桌转盘,比较多使用的是大圆桌,zui常见的是在各种参观,而现在其实也有很多家庭的餐桌也是使用电动餐桌转盘。 电动餐桌转盘很多时候经常使用就容易坏,因此电动餐桌转盘维修也是需要定时的。电动餐桌转盘比较方便,只要轻轻转动一下电动餐桌转盘,你想吃的菜就会转到你的面前。那么电动餐桌转盘应该怎么保养呢?电动餐桌转盘多久维修一次好呢?
Electric dining table turntables are commonly used in large round tables. Zui is commonly used during various visits, and now many families also use electric dining table turntables. Electric dining table turntables are often prone to damage when used frequently, so maintenance of electric dining table turntables also needs to be scheduled. The electric dining table turntable is more convenient, as long as you gently rotate it, the dishes you want to eat will be turned in front of you. So how should the electric dining table turntable be maintained? How often should the electric dining table turntable be repaired?

There are three types of electric dining table turntables, namely manual electric dining table turntables, electric electric dining table turntables, and automatic electric dining table turntables without electricity. These three different types of electric dining table turntables have their own advantages, which make our dining environment even more different and allow us to interact more with friends and family during meals! This also makes the electric dining table turntable more diverse and allows us to experience different forms of electric dining table turntables!
Why is the electric dining table turntable broken
(1) Under normal circumstances, when inserting the charger into the charging jack of the rotary table, the indicator light of the charger turns red first and then green. Press the remote control rotary table to rotate;

(2) When the turntable is not rotating, insert the charger into the charging jack of the turntable. The indicator light of the charger remains green. Pressing the remote control to rotate the turntable indicates that the battery is broken and cannot be charged; If the turntable does not rotate, it indicates that the remote control is also broken;
(3) When the turntable is not rotating, insert the charger into the charging jack of the turntable. The indicator light of the charger turns red first and then green. If the remote control does not rotate, it indicates that the remote control is broken (the circuit board is burnt);
(4) When the turntable is not rotating, insert the charger into the charging jack of the turntable. The indicator light of the charger will turn red and green for a while. If the remote control does not rotate, it indicates that the remote control is broken (the circuit board is burnt);

(5) When the turntable is not rotating, insert the charger into the charging jack of the turntable. The indicator light of the charger remains red, but after continuous charging for 4-5 hours, it still remains red. If the remote control does not rotate, it indicates that the motor has burned.
How to Choose a Maintenance Team for Electric Dining Table Turntable Maintenance
对于高档定制的豪华会馆与酒店来说,如果你作为企业的负责人和领头羊却还不知道电动餐桌支架电机就真的完完全全的奥te了!这种配备给电动的桌子的支架式的电机就使得这些桌子能够自动自觉的旋转的酷炫神器。无论您是要搞光彩夺目的店庆庆典、还是要宴请十分尊贵的宾客、朋友、商务人士,甚至是搞一些菜品、产品的宣传展览,像是这样的如此神器级别的设备装备是非常实用而且非常显出档次的。 那么对于已经拥有了这样的电动餐桌支架电机的企业和商家来说,怎么才能良好的保养它和在它出一点点小问题的时候及时、合理的维修它也是关键中的关键。这其中zui重要的一个关键词汇便是我们时常说出的:专业化。所谓
For high-end customized luxury clubs and hotels, if you are the head and leader of a company but don't know the electric dining table bracket motor yet, it's really perfect! This bracket type motor equipped with electric tables is a cool artifact that allows these tables to automatically and consciously rotate. Whether you are going to hold a dazzling store celebration, entertain highly valued guests, friends, business people, or even hold promotional exhibitions of dishes and products, equipment of such a divine level is very practical and shows off its level. So for enterprises and businesses that already have such an electric dining table bracket motor, how to maintain it well and repair it promptly and reasonably when there are a few small problems is also the key. One of the key words that Zui often says is specialization. so-called