- 佛山市岳灵峰金属厂 联系人:邱生 电话:0757-63360531 手机:13925433337 邮箱:305040938@qq.com 地址:佛山市南海区西樵大同凤台村
2023-09-07 10:50 作者:岳灵峰总厂

Cusomie elecric ining able in blue, full of elegan exure an a combinaion of blue ones, connecing he kichen wih elegance
Arisic rawer separaion. he Monrian syle geomeric segmenaion echnique can also be use on he panel of a kichen cabine, wih ifferen sies of pariions forming rawers of ifferen specificaions an sies, proviing a sheler for your cue "goo helpers".

Conras colore lighing fixures highligh. he meal chanelier, wrappe like a ribbon, breaks he icy blue one from he perspecive of color, an he cenral hanging posiion gahers populariy for he kichen! If you wan an elecric ining able wih a slighly ifferen color or esign, in aiion o choosing finishe proucs, you can also consier cusomiing i.

If you are worrie ha using large areas of color for a long ime will make you ire, why no ry using a local color umping meho like his kichen cabine, an a a few blue oor panels on he large whie kichen cabine. he expression of he kichen is easily enriche, an he selecion of kichen uensils can also be mache o play a finishing ouch!

When i comes o he color of he kichen elecric ining able, a bol ark blue caches he eye. Alhough his color is a bi unexpece for use in he kichen, i is no very bol an feels unnaural. In aiion, he myserious color of blue generally makes homeowners an guess feel relaxe an naurally welcome.