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2023-09-02 09:13 作者:岳灵峰总厂


Customized electric dining table | What should be noted for environmentally friendly electric dining tables

1、机芯门板的厚度是否丰满厚实,新中式电动桌高度是否足够  移门用的木板,好选择9mm或12mm厚的板材,使用起来结实、稳定、经久耐用;稍差的会选用8mm厚,或者更薄的,这样的门板比较单薄、轻浮。
1. Is the thickness of the movement door panel plump and thick, and is the height sufficient for the wooden board used for moving the door? It is recommended to choose a 9mm or 12mm thick board, which is sturdy, stable, and durable to use; Slightly inferior ones will choose 8mm thick or thinner ones, as these door panels are relatively thin and light.
2、机芯与边框花色是否一致统一  品牌电动餐台机芯的边框、门板出自同一厂家,颜色纹路可达到完全一致,配套统一。而杂牌电动餐台往往东拼西凑,只能找到花色相似的板材、边框,无法做到完全一致。
2. Is the design of the movement and frame consistent? The frame and door panel of the brand electric dining table movement are from the same manufacturer, and the color pattern can be completely consistent, with unified matching. However, miscellaneous electric dining tables are often pieced together, only finding boards and frames with similar designs and colors, and cannot achieve complete consistency.


3、是否选用绿色环保材料  时下用来做电动餐桌的人造板材(纤维板、刨花板、胶合板),新中式电动桌因为在板材生产过程中使用带甲醛的胶粘剂,所以在成品电动餐桌中难免含有甲醛成分。如果电动餐台的机芯或柜体材料甲醛含量过高,必将对使用者的身体健康造成不良影响。
3. Whether the green environmental protection materials (fiberboard, particle board, plywood) are used as the artificial plates for the electric dining table. Because formaldehyde adhesive is used in the production process of the plates, formaldehyde is inevitably contained in the finished electric dining table. If the formaldehyde content of the movement or cabinet material of the electric dining table is too high, it will inevitably have adverse effects on the user's physical health.


4、柜体是否专业、设计是否科学时尚  目前流行的时尚电动餐台柜体,设计非常科学合理。新中式电动桌往往按照“化整为零”的原则,开发出几种不同的分柜,订做时可自由搭配组合。而且,抽屉与活动层板也可自由增减,高度可以随意调整。
4. Is the cabinet professional and scientifically designed? Currently, the popular fashion electric dining table cabinet has a very scientific and reasonable design. Often, according to the principle of "breaking the whole into parts", several different sub cabinets are developed, and can be freely matched and combined when customized. Moreover, drawers and movable layers can also be freely increased or decreased, and the height can be adjusted at will.


5、电动餐台配件是否齐全,能否提供方便舒适的配套功能  目前,定制电动餐台厂商相继推出了实用美观的配件,例如推拉镜、格子架、裤架、时尚抽屉、藤拉篮、L型架、C架、木质衣架等。
5. Are the accessories of the electric dining table complete and can they provide convenient and comfortable supporting functions? Currently, customized electric dining table manufacturers have successively launched practical and beautiful accessories, such as sliding mirrors, grid racks, pants racks, fashionable drawers, rattan baskets, L-shaped racks, C-racks, wooden clothes racks, etc.
6、轮子是否顺滑、耐压、耐磨、安全可靠  品牌电动餐台的滑轮一般选用碳素玻璃纤维制成,内带滚珠,附有不干性润滑酯,故能轻松推拉,顺畅灵活,而且承重力大,耐压、耐磨不变形。滑轮导轨是推拉门的核心技术部位,一定要慎重选择。
6. Is the wheel smooth, pressure resistant, wear-resistant, safe and reliable? The pulleys of the brand electric dining table are generally made of carbon glass fiber, with rolling balls inside and non drying lubricating esters attached, so they can be easily pushed and pulled, smooth and flexible, and have high load-bearing capacity, pressure resistant, wear-resistant, and not deformed. The pulley guide rail is the core technical part of sliding doors, and it must be carefully selected.


7、是否拥有专业工厂  为了保证生产,品牌电动餐台大多拥有专业的工厂,现代化的机器设备,新中式电动桌流水线生产,现场安装。完全避免了装饰公司那种现场制做给消费者带来的不便。而且,产品的尺寸数据准确,结构严谨。
7. Do you have a professional factory? In order to ensure production, most brand electric dining tables have professional factories, modern machinery and equipment, assembly line production, and on-site installation. Completely avoiding the inconvenience caused to consumers by on-site production by decoration companies. Moreover, the size data of the product is accurate and the structure is rigorous.
8、售后服务如何  电动餐台作为电动餐桌中的重要组成部分,与人们生活起居息息相关。所以,厂商良好的信誉、优质的售后服务就显得非常重要。在订做时,首先就必须搞清其保修期限有多长。
8. How to provide after-sales service? As an important component of electric dining tables, electric dining tables are closely related to people's daily lives. So, the good reputation and high-quality after-sales service of manufacturers are very important. When ordering, the first step is to understand how long the warranty period is.
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