- 佛山市岳灵峰金属厂 联系人:邱生 电话:0757-63360531 手机:13925433337 邮箱:305040938@qq.com 地址:佛山市南海区西樵大同凤台村
2023-08-22 08:47 作者:岳灵峰总厂

Painting process flow of Lanhui Foshan Electric Dining Table and Chair Factory
1. 主要施工工艺
1. Main construction process
(1)电动餐台椅工厂的 清漆施工工艺: 打磨基层(清理木器表面→磨砂纸打光,磨平磨光,用湿布清扫干净);刷遍清漆(加入稀释液,漆膜快干);满刮遍腻子,砂纸磨光(腻子修补钉眼和缝隙);刷第二遍清漆,细砂纸磨光;刷第三遍清漆、磨光;木制至少5遍,水砂纸打磨退光,打蜡,擦亮。注意: 间隔,干透为止.夏季6小时,冬季24小时.现场保持清洁,无灰尘。温度在5摄氏度以上。
(1) The varnish construction process of the electric dining table and chair factory: polish the base layer (clean the surface of the wood→ polish with sandpaper, smooth and polish, and clean with wet cloth); Brush varnish (add diluent, paint film will dry quickly); Fully apply putty and polish with sandpaper (repair nail holes and gaps with putty); Brush the second coat of varnish and polish with fine abrasive paper; Brush the third coat of varnish and polish; Wood shall be polished, polished, waxed and polished at least 5 times with water sandpaper. Note: The site shall be kept clean and free of dust at intervals until it is completely dry. It lasts for 6 hours in summer and 24 hours in winter. The temperature is above 5 ℃.

(2) The construction process of mixed color paint in the electric dining table and chair factory: polish the base layer (clean the dust on the surface of the base layer, repair the base layer, and flatten it with abrasive paper); Fully apply putty (mixed putty, varnish, gypsum, powder water 3:6:1)&arr; Polishing→ Apply primer (main paint: curing agent: diluent 1:0.5:1, primer thickness is about 1cm, dry for 4 hours)&rar; Fine sanding→ Apply finish paint (finish paint: curing agent: diluent 1:0.5:1, curing agent increases paint adhesion, diluent increases dryness, too thick for construction, too thin for adhesion)&rar; Repair with putty→ Polish and wipe the third coat of finish paint and brush the second coat of paint→ Polishing→ The third finishing coat→ Polishing and waxing.

2. Key points for the construction of the electric dining table and chair factory. The construction specification for varnish painting. Grinding the base layer is an important process for varnish painting. First, dust, oil and other impurities on the surface of the wood should be removed. Applying oil powder is also an important process of varnish painting. During construction, use cotton thread dipped in oil powder to smear it on the surface of wood, rub it back and forth with hands, and rub the oil powder into the eye of wood. When applying clear oil, hold the oil brush in your hand easily and naturally, and gently force your fingers to ensure that the brush does not loosen or fall off when moving.
涂刷时要按照蘸次要多、每次少蘸油、操作时勤,顺刷的要求,依照先上后下、先难后易、先左后右、先里后外的顺序和横刷竖顺的操作方法施工。 .木质表面混油的施工规范基层处理时,除清理基层的杂物外,还应进行局部的腻子嵌补,打砂纸时应顺着木纹打磨。在涂刷面层前,应用漆片(虫胶漆)对有较大色差和木脂的节疤处进行封底。应在基层涂干性油或清泊,涂刷干性油层要所有部位均匀刷遍,不能漏刷。底子油干透后,满刮遍腻子,干后以手工砂纸打磨,然后补高强度腻子,腻子以挑丝不倒为准。涂刷面层油漆时,应先用细砂纸打磨。
The painting shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of more dips, less dips of oil each time, frequent operation and smooth brushing, and in accordance with the sequence of top to bottom, first difficult to easy, first left to right, first inside to outside, and the operation method of horizontal and vertical brushing Specification for construction of oil mixed on wood surface During base course treatment, in addition to cleaning the sundries on the base course, local putty shall also be inlaid, and sandpaper shall be polished along the wood grain. Before painting the surface layer, the knots with large color difference and wood grease shall be sealed with paint chips (shellac paint). The base layer shall be coated with dry oil or clear berth, and all parts of the dry oil layer shall be evenly brushed without omission. After the primer oil is dry, it shall be fully applied with putty. After it is dry, it shall be polished with manual sandpaper, and then the high-strength putty shall be added. The putty shall be subject to no tipping. When painting the surface layer, it should be polished with fine sandpaper first.

3.电动餐台椅工厂的 注意事项
3. Precautions for electric dining table and chair factory
(1) 基层处理要按要求施工,以保证表面油漆涂刷不会失败。
(1) The base course treatment shall be carried out as required to ensure that the surface painting will not fail.
(2) 清理周围环境,防止尘土飞扬。
(2) Clean up the surrounding environment to prevent dust from flying.
(3) 因为油漆都有一定毒性,对呼吸道有较强的刺激作用,施工中一定要注意做好通风
(3) Because paint has certain toxicity and strong irritation to respiratory tract, it is necessary to pay attention to ventilation during construction